Readings: Isaiah 50:4-7; Philippians 2:6-11; Luke 22:14-23:56Click here to download a PDF of this homily Preacher: Deni Mack It is hard to look at Jesus suffering. We gasp in horror. Or worse—we are numb. Year after year we see that adulation on Palm Sunday. And then we walk with Jesus through Holy Week. The longer I live the more I… read more →
Readings: Jeremiah 31:7-9; Hebrews 5:1-6; Mark 10: 46-52 Click here to download a PDF of this homily. Preacher: Deni Mack If we could step back in time 2000 years we’d taste the dust of Jericho as the crowds passed. We’d pull our cloak over our head and hold it close to keep out the dust and the cool air and… read more →
Readings: Isaiah 50: 5-9a; Psalm 116: 1-9; James 2:14-18; Mark 8:27-35| Click here to download a PDF of this homily. Preacher: Deni Mack Tiffany carries the cross of poverty, pain, frustration and overwhelming responsibility. Four courses shy of her social work degree she had to take a leave of absence due to illness. Now her health is better, her children… read more →
Readings: Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 5:7-9; John 12:20-23 Click here to download a PDF of this homily. Preacher: Deni Mack Hear Jesus pray with “loud cries” (Hebrews 5:7-9) and hear his anguish as he utters, “I am troubled.” (John 12: 20-33) Yes, yes, I know he will rise in glory but let’s sit with his suffering for a while. A contemplative… read more →
Readings: Isaiah 22:19-23; Romans 11: 33-36; Matthew 16: 13-20 Preacher: Dr. Denise Mack Jesus asks, “Who do you say that I am?” When I raised the question to residents of two nursing homes I was not surprised to hear, repeatedly, “My Lord and my Savior” and “The Son of the living God.” “You are the Christ, the Son of the… read more →
Readings: Acts 10:34A, 37-43; 1 Corinthians 5:6B-8 (or Colossians 3:1-4); John 20: 1-9 Preacher: Deni Mack The car may have been speeding. Theo was a passenger on the way to school on his 17th b’day when the crash threw Theo from the car. That was about twenty years ago on Wednesday of Holy Week. Theo never woke and was pronounced… read more →
Readings: Habakkuk 1:-2-3. 2: 2-4; 2 Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14; Luke 17: 5-10. Preacher: Deni Mack A man said, “I thought I’d lost my faith until I saw what Sr. Norma is doing in McAllen, Texas.” Sr. Norma stirred his faith into flame. Sr. Norma Pimental, MJ (Missionaries of Jesus) spoke at Nazareth College recently as part of the Msgr. Shannon… read more →
Readings: Exodus 32: 7-11, 13-14; 1 Timothy 1:12-17; Luke 15:1-32 Preacher: Deni Mack Several people have said the story of the prodigal son is their favorite. Some relate to the wasteful, wandering son; others to the unforgiving brother and many to the forgiving father. If truth be told, we are something like each of those characters at one time or… read more →
Readings: 1 Samuel 16: 1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Ephesians 5: 8-14; John 9:1-41 Reflection by Denise Mack This weekend the Church throughout the world hears either the Gospel of the Prodigal Son or of Jesus Healing the Man Born Blind. Parishes with Catechumens who will celebrate the Easter Sacraments are encouraged to proclaim the Healing of the Blind Man Gospel. Could… read more →
Readings: Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; 1 Corinthians 12: 12-30; Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21 The spirit of God is upon us! We are baptized to share in Jesus’ priestly, prophetic and royal ministry. We may never see it ourselves but we do open the eyes of many who walk blindly. We are to set captives free. The spirit anoints us to be… read more →