Readings: Daniel 7: 13-14; Revelations 1: 5-8; John 18: 33b-37 Preacher: Lourdes Perez Albuerne The Jewish authorities had given Pilate a man who was enigmatic. Sometimes he talked about things that were not understood. And the accusation that the Jews made of him is that he said he was King. Pilate wanted to know the truth that was enclosed in that… read more →
Readings: Mark 11: 1-10; Isaiah 50:4-7; Philippians 2: 6-11; Mark 14: 1-15:47 Preacher: M Lourdes Perez-Albuerne Today’s gospel is an introduction to Holy Week where we commemorate Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection. We read the passion according to the evangelist Mark who begins with Jesus’ triumphal entrance in Jerusalem and how He complies, as a faithful Jew, with the tradition of… read more →
Readings: Leviticus 19: 1-2, 17-18; 1 Corinthians 3: 16-23; Matthew 5: 38-48 Preacher: M. Lourdes Perez-Albuerne “Be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect.” What a great challenge! It seems impossible to rise to Jesus’ challenge. But Jesus lays a very concrete way to go about living this way. Most of us live by a completely opposite principle: “Love your… read more →
Reading: Genesis 18:20-32; Colossians 2:12-14; Luke 11: 1-13 Preacher: Lourdes Perez-Albuerne The disciples saw Jesus pray and the uniqueness of that prayer. Even, sometimes, during or after prayer, Jesus was able to perform miracles. We have in the Gospels, the curing of the sick, the Transfiguration and other instances. It was, therefore, to be expected that they would ask Jesus to… read more →
Readings: Sirach 27: 4-7; 1 Corinthians 15: 54-58; Luke 6: 39-45 Preacher: Lourdes Perez-Albuerne In today’s gospel reading, Luke gives us a number of sapiential sayings, which are familiar, but that on Jesus’ lips point to what God expects from us. These sayings also remind us that God’s expectations do not contradict common sense or human reasoning, but instead, perfect them… read more →
Readings: Isaiah 53: 10-11; Hebrews 4: 14-16; Mark 10: 35-45Preacher: Lourdes Perez-Albuerne “But it is not so among you; whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave to all.” For two years Jesus has walked Galilee, preaching, curing the sick and forgiving sinners. Yet, those who… read more →
Readings: Sirach 15: 15-20; 1 Corinthians 2: 6-10; Matt 5: 17-37 Preacher: M. Lourdes Perez-Albuerne The passage we read in today’s Gospel from Matthew was written for his community of Jews converted to Christianity. Matthew insisted that the community had to continue keeping Jewish law, even the smallest of the laws, but wants them to understand that the letter of… read more →
Readings: 1 Kings 19:16b, 19-21; Galatians 5:1, 13-18; Luke 9: 51-62 Preacher: Lourdes Perez-Albuerne Today’s reading from the Book of Kings and the passage from Luke’s gospel talk about the call that every human being receives and the conditions that are required to respond to that call. Every one of us receives that call, which we refer to as “our… read more →
II DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO CICLO C Las lecturas de este domingo ponen el acento en la conversión personal a los valores del Evangelio. El profeta Baruc contempla a las/os hijas/os de Israel que vivían en el destierro y les trasmite un mensaje de plena esperanza en un futuro nuevo. Pablo muestra su alegría a los filipenses por la actitud que… read more →