Readings: Isaiah 49: 1-6; Acts 13: 22-26; Luke 1: 57-66, 80 Click here to download a PDF of this homily. Preacher: Sr. Kathleen Wayne RSM Birthdays—we each have one. How they are celebrated may vary, but each of us has a day marking our birth. Do you know the story surrounding your birth? I have a detailed, written account. The… read more →
Readings: Proverbs 8:22-31, Romans 5: 1-5, John 16:12-15 Preacher: Sr. Kathleen Wayne It seems ironic that we move back into Ordinary Time with the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. I would bet that many of us think of the Trinity as anything but ordinary. We learned, as children, that the Trinity is a profound mystery. Something that not even… read more →