Readings: Wisdom 11:22-12:2; 2 Thessalonians 1:11-2:2; Luke 19:1-10Click here to download a PDF of this homily. Preacher: Susan Howard As small as a grain of sand was Zacchaeus in the scheme of world affairs. No one really, just a small man caught up in the money-making schemes that everyone went along with. Just a guy who wanted to be bigger,… read more →
Readings: Sirach 35:12-14, 16-18; 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18; Luke 18:9-14Click here to download a PDF of this homily. Preacher: Irene Goodwin At the British surrender at Yorktown a drinking song was sung by the soldiers. The words were: “The world turned upside down, the world turned upside down.” Today, we consider the American Revolution as a turning point for the… read more →
Readings: Exodus 17:8-13; 2 Timothy 3: 14-4:2; Luke 18:1-8Click here to download a PDF of this homily Preacher: Brigit Hurley The widow in today’s Gospel will not take “No” for an answer. She persists in her pursuit of justice, undeterred by the judge’s disregard for her needs. We only see a glimpse of her as she stands before the powerful,… read more →
Readings: 2 Kings 5:14-17; 2 Timothy 2:8-13; Luke 17: 11-19Click here for a PDF of this homily. Preacher: Kathi Piehler When my husband and I were raising our children some of the first words we taught them were: “Please, Thank you and Excuse Me.” To our delight, our children continue that tradition. The amazing thing is that “Please, Thank You… read more →
Readings: Habakkuk 1:2-3, 2:2-4; 2 Timothy 1: 6-8, 13-14; Luke 17: 5-10Click here to download a PDF of this homily. Preacher: Sr. Joan Sobala There has never been a time since I first came across the prophet Habakkuk that I have not been moved by the passages we are given in today’s liturgy: How long, O Lord? I cry for… read more →
Readings: Amos 6: 1A, 4-7; 1 Timothy 6: 11-16; Luke 16: 19-31Click here to download a PDF of this homily. Preacher: Margot Van Etten Two images from Facebook … A small sixteen-year-old girl stands in front of the high and the mighty at the United Nations and passionately denounces their failure to act, their fixation on “money and the fantasy… read more →
Readings: Amos 8:4-7; 1 Timothy 2:1-8; Luke 16:1-13Click here to download a PDF of this homily. Preacher: Sr. Barbara Moore RSM Today’s Gospel is a fascinating story about a rich man’s steward who found himself in trouble. On one level he was abusing those over whom he exercised power. He may have been skimming off the top of their debts… read more →
Readings: Exodus 32:7-11,13-14; 1 Timothy 1:12-17; Luke 15:1-32Click here to download a PDF of this homily. Preacher: Deirdre McKiernan Hetzler My first reaction to today’s Scriptures was that our God is a God of second chances! We were invited last week to choose to follow Jesus. To embrace costly discipleship. Today, our readings all reveal the costly love of our… read more →
Readings: Wisdom 9:13-18B; Philemon 9-10,12-17; Luke 14:25-33Click here to download a PDF of this homily.Preacher: Gloria Ulterino It’s that time of the year again: kids returning to school, young adults off to college. Just the other day I sent a grandson off to his second year with “keep up the good work!” And a few more loving admonitions. I know… read more →
Readings: Sirach 3:17-18, 20, 28-29; Hebrews 12: 18-19, 22-24A; Luke 14: 1, 7-14Click here to download a PDF of this homily. Preacher: Alana Schrader In today’s gospel, Jesus gives two sets of instructions, the first to those who have been invited, then the second to him who does the inviting. We need to see ourselves in each group. When Jesus… read more →