Readings: Exodus 22: 20-26; 1 Thessalonians 1: 5c-10; Matthew 22: 34-40 Preacher: Susan Howard We have always needed God’s instruction to learn what love is. From the very beginning of time we have struggled to learn how to live together on this planet— how to survive complicated social structures, how to communicate with people, how to honor people’s differences. And so… read more →
Readings: Isaiah 45:1,4-6; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b; Matthew 22:15-21 Preacher: Deirdre McKiernan Hetzler Wow! There’s a lot to unpack in today’s readings, isn’t there? Isaiah makes a stunning announcement. His hearers must surely have been taken aback! The God of surprises is choosing a pagan king. Yes, a pagan king! Calling him anointed, that is, messiah, for heaven’s sake! Actually, that’s the… read more →
Readings: Isaiah 25: 6-10a; Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20; Matthew 22: 1-14 Preacher: Gloria Ulterino Are we building a Jesus community, full of God’s Poured-Out Grace? I have been to the mountaintop. At least, to the mountaintop in Vermont that I know so well. It’s called Weston Priory—surrounded by the soft, lush green hills of Vermont. It is home to a Benedictine community… read more →
Ordinary Time 27 A One straightforward way of reading today’s Gospel is as an indictment of the chief priests and scribes of Jesus’ time. We can identify them with the tenant farmers who rejected the messengers and killed the king’s son. The story is a variation on an equally depressing passage in Isaiah, where God’s careful preparation of the vineyard… read more →
Readings: Ez 18:25-28; Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9; Phil 2:1-11; Mt 21:28-32 Preacher: Sr. Barbara Moore Our readings from Philippians and Matthew contain some powerful insights into Our Christian faith. Paul, in one of his original letters, shares with the Philippians behavioral patterns that set a rather high bar for them and for us. “Have in you the same attitude that is… read more →
Readings: Isaiah 55: 6-9; Philippians 1: 20c-24, 27a; Matthew 20: 1-6a Preacher: Susan Howard Sisters and Brothers, Paul makes it clear that the Kingdom of Heaven is for both genders. He is reiterating what Matthew has written in the Gospel that all people who work at being disciples will receive their reward of eternal life. Of course, you knew that, but… read more →
Readings: Sirach 27: 30 – 28:7; Psalm 1- 4, 9 -12; Romans 14: 7 – 9; Matthew 18: 21- 35 Preacher: Christine Nowak Kvam Once again, I feel like I am the worst person to be writing this reflection. Around this time last year, I was asked to reflect on the Gospel about renouncing possessions right as I was at the… read more →
Readings: Ezekiel 33: 7-9; Romans 13: 8-10; Matthew 18: 15-20 Preacher: Margot Van Etten If you are old enough, the name “Nickel Mines” might spark a shudder. Or wonder. On October 10, 2006—an innocent age where mass shooting was rare, if you can imagine that —thirteen girls ages 6 to 13 were shot in a one-room Amish schoolhouse in a horrifying… read more →
Readings: Jeremiah 20:7-9; Romans 12: 1-2; Matthew 16: 21-27 Preacher: Ruth Marchetti The life of a prophet is racked with hardship. The Old Testament stories show us that God sends prophets when God’s people have lost their way; they’ve forgotten the God of love and justice. Getting lost is a subtle process. It sneaks up on us in the guise of… read more →
Readings: Isaiah 22: 19-23; Romans 11: 33-35; Matthew 16: 13-20 Preacher: Marlene Bessette My husband has been a deacon for 12 years now and we have become an effective homiletics team. He spends a great deal of time crafting his homilies after researching and praying over what message would speak to the community to draw them closer to God. I support… read more →