Reflection for Sunday – October 6, 2024

Readings: Genesis 2: 18-24; Hebrews 2: 9-11; Mark 10:2-16 
Preacher: Sr. Barbara Moore

As a member of a religious community and a woman who has not chosen marriage, I am always reluctant to offer advice about this powerful vocation of marriage.  And certainly, Jesus’ context is far removed from our current reality.  Yet some scholars believe Jesus was well aware of the reality that marriage was a “safety net” for women.  And Moses’ culture cannot in so many ways, be applied to our current reality. It is also important to note that there are two accounts of the creation of humankind in the Book of Genesis.  Each one lays out the creation of women in different ways. Today’s is the second account.

There is one line in the Gospel that applies to all of us, married or single.  “Therefore, what God has joined together, no human being must separate.”  Marriage according to Jesus, is the result of God’s call.  And we, especially today, who are outside that decision, are obliged to help the men and women who make this choice recognize God’s role and assist them in their search for life and promise.  Jesus, I am sure, was also well aware the plight of some women in his culture, and especially those who faced widowhood.  In most cases their role was to bear a male child so that the family tree might carry on.  We are a very different culture but even so, the needs of married folks remain.  Their need continues for support, blessings, and the grace God promises.

The second part of our Gospel this weekend shows the love Jesus feels for children.  The disciples of Jesus rebuked those bringing children to him. “Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”   That line, I believe invites all of us to use it as the one tool we have as we make our decisions about those running for local, county, city and federal office. 

For our children to come to a healthy life, safety, quality education, and security, I believe our obligation is to examine the platforms of all the candidates regarding their needs.  Jesus makes it clear today that, “The Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”  How can we assist their parents with support, healthcare, lodging and childcare, and early education?

God’s Word, when opened, has the wisdom and power to assist us in our daily lives.

We all make life choices and in retrospect are so grateful for those who assisted us in that process.  May that be our goal during these critical days for our children and the folks responsible for them.  The psalmist today speaks of children as “olive plants around our tables.”   May we do what we can to enhance that reality.

Sr. Barbara Moore, RSM
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